خطاب تغطية لوظيفة رعاية الأطفال بالانجليزي PDF وWORD

رسالة تحفيزية بالانجليزية للعمل في رعاية الأطفال PDF و WORD

رسالة تحفيزية بالانجليزية للعمل في رعاية الأطفال PDF و WORD
رسالة تحفيزية بالانجليزية للعمل في رعاية الأطفال PDF و WORD

هل ترغب في تقديم طلب تلقائي أو الرد على عرض عمل في مرحلة الطفولة المبكرة ، مثل وظيفة عامل رعاية أطفال أو عامل رعاية أطفال مساعد؟ هنا قالب خطاب تغطية بالانجليزي للتحميل مجانا PDF و WORD. يجب تكييف النموذج وفقًا لمستوى خبرتك. يمكنك أيضًا الرجوع إلى الرابط التالي للحصول على قالب خطاب غلاف انجليزي أكثر عمومية.

خطاب تغطية جاهز لوظيفة رعاية الأطفال بالانجليزي :

Transmitter :
” Firstname name “
” Address “
” ZIP code “
” Phone “
” E-mail “

Recipient :
” Company Name “
For the attention of “civility” “Name”, “title” or “from the human resources department”
” Address “
” ZIP code “

Subject: application for a job as a childcare worker / childcare assistant (to be adapted)
Attachment: curriculum vitae

“City”, the “date”

“Courtesy” “title” (or “Madam, Sir”),

Currently looking for a position as a childcare worker / auxiliary childcare worker (to be adapted), I am sending you my application in response to your job offer published on “date” / for any job you would have to be able within your establishment / crèche (to be adapted).

If you already have experience:
Having always wanted to work with children, it was only natural that I got involved in a “training title” training. After graduating in “year”, I worked in different establishments, including (list the most relevant experiences). Thus, I now have a significant experience of “number” years.

My motivation for the profession is the same as when I started, and I still attach as much interest to the reception and animation of young children, in order to participate actively in their development and their development. To do this, I implement all the human qualities essential to this job, particularly in terms of pedagogy, listening and patience.

If you don’t have experience yet:
Having always wanted to work with children, it was only natural that I got involved in a “training title” training, for which I recently obtained my diploma. In this context, I did various internships in establishments (specify). These allowed me to perfect my skills in terms of reception, animation and safety of young children. They were also an opportunity for me to develop human qualities essential to this job, such as pedagogy, listening and patience.

I enclose my curriculum vitae for more details on my background, and hope to have the opportunity to meet you soon during a job interview.

Thanking you in advance for the attention you will pay to the study of my application, please receive, “civility” “title” (or “Madam, Sir”), my best regards.

” Firstname name “

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تحميل خطاب التغطية جاهز لوظيفة باللغة الانجليزية رعاية أطفال بصيغة WORD من هنا

تحميل خطاب التغطية باللغة الفرنسية جاهز لوظيفة رعاية أطفال بصيغة PDF من هنا

تحميل خطاب التغطية جاهز لوظيفة باللغة الفرنسية رعاية أطفال بصيغة WORD من هنا

تحميل خطاب التغطية جاهز لوظيفة رعاية أطفال بصيغة PDF من هنا

تحميل خطاب التغطية جاهز لوظيفة رعاية أطفال بصيغة WORD من هنا

195 مشاهدة

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